DARTH | The best Automatic Staking and Compounding in Your Wallet!

About Project

Buy-Hold-Grow — Once you have purchased a DARTH token and held it in your wallet, your tokens will automatically increase every 15 minutes.

By using the positive re-establishment formula that Darth allows you to pay and distribute tokens directly every 15 minutes of the total amount of DARTH tokens in your wallet, this means that without taking out, transferring your tokens from your wallet, all Darth holders will receive annual interest 383,000% vehicle for the first year (12 months)

DARTH is transforming DeFi with the Darth Autostaking Protocol that delivers the industry’s high fixed APY, rebasing gains every 15 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet, fast.

Our products are powered by DeFi and are designed to help you effortlessly generate cash flow from your crypto.

At the end of the year and with $1000 USD of $DARTH invested.
You can earn up to $3,830,000.00 USD of $DARH at 383,000.00% APY.
Earnings are calculated in a scenario where the RFV sustains the rebase reward for 365 days.

How the APY is Calculated :

The Ultimate Defi App For DEX trading

DarthDEX provides real-time analysis for crypto assets trading on decentralized exchanges to millions of users.With this integration, users to monitor big spreads on pool pairs,and perform many other useful trading functions; thereby allowing users to anticipate and develop better trading strategies.

Darth Wallet

Darth Wallet is cryptocurrency wallet software that allows you to trade various cryptocurrencies safely. The program provides you with a secure access key that keeps your assets safe against unauthorized access.


$Darth left at the right time to lead the DEFI revolution with its own protocol, a financial protocol that has more features and benefits than other products. Which facilitates the auto-staking process and gives Darth token holders the power of a stable Gains in crypto.


  • Token Name: DARTH
  • Token Symbol: DAH
  • Token Decimals: 5
  • Token Address: 0xDA58e9fDC0545e96C6b1B5890778389A0ad0D5e6
  • Presale Address: 0xf1af4A69624ebE537a7D85Ba9Be4c8207945E78B
  • (Do not send BNB to the token address!)
  • Total Supply: 331,336.31193 DAH
  • Tokens For Presale: 130,000 DAH
  • Tokens For Liquidity: 78,000 DAH
  • Soft Cap: 100 BNB
  • Presale Start Time: 2022.05.04 16:09 (UTC)
  • Presale End Time: 2022.05.09 16:08 (UTC)
  • Listing On Pancakeswap
  • Liquidity Percent 60%
  • Liquidity Unlocked Time 2030.05.07 16:48 UTC (in 8 years)

DARTH Buy and Sell Fees Market Fees

Darth buy and sell fees play a very effective vital role, as they provide the capital to perform the important functions of the protocol.

Selling the bonds also costs token holders. It reduces the amount of APY that can be served and eliminates the ability to deliver a stable APY.

The fee ratio (14% to buy and 16% to sell) allows DARTH to provide DARTH dollar holders with a fixed high return of 383,000.00% per annum.

The rest of the other protocols use the selling of bonds to support the same functions of the DARTH fee, but this approach is more risky because if the bonds are not bought, the token loses its support and spirals down in price.

Trading Fees Explained
Buy Trading Fees:

4.0% – LP
5.0% – IF
2.5% – Tunnel
2.5% – The Fire HOLE

Sell Trading Fees:

4.0% – LP
5.0% – IF
4.5% – Tunnel
2.5% – The Fire HOLE

How much can I earn?

Our products are powered by DeFi and are designed to help you effortlessly generate cash flow from your crypto.

At the end of the year and with $1000 USD of $DARTH invested.
You can earn up to $3,830,000.00 USD of $DARH at 383,000.00% APY.
Earnings are calculated in a scenario where the RFV sustains the rebase reward for 365 days.

Start Earning Now! →https://app.darthvader.io/


#DarthFinance #Giveaway #Dex #Defiproject #Bsc

Social Media
Keep in touch:

Forum Username: Espradov
Forum Profile Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2274491
Telegram Username: @espradov
BEP-20 Wallet: 0xbb17802D7EBf1402207C1F8e0819608E4b246B27


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